Hi, Lia! Thank you for taking the time to leave a comment expressing your lack of interest. It would be nice if more people didn't care what people do with their lives, but there's still a lot of societal pressure to have children, which means children are being born to people who don't want them (so, a lot of unnecessarily unhappy people, there). Women, especially, who don't want children are misunderstood, underrepresented, and not taken seriously - hence this post (and others) to encourage greater understanding of and empathy for an uncommon, but important, choice.
(I would disagree that everyone should do what's best for them. Someone who is clearly unfit to be a parent shouldn't have a child simply because they think "It's what I want - it's best for me!" People should probably be a little more outward looking than inward looking when it comes to creating and molding a new human life.)