I (a childfree woman) love what you’ve written here and appreciate the need for and claim to support from a government that pushes children, but child rearing women forfeit - not lose - ownership of their time, if by this you mean they end up not controlling it. But - also - the choice to have kids is a conscious (if not always carefully thought through) decision to actively and deliberately change how time is spent and used, and it’s spent and used on children, which means you actually don’t lose ownership, at all…it’s exactly where you put it, even if it gets exhausting. Saturday mornings included. ;)
Parenting has probably never been easy, especially for women. Fortunately, many men are ditching patriarchal norms and recognizing (and embracing the idea that) fatherhood is more than paying bills and playing catch once a week in the yard. Change is slow, but it’s happening.
As for the government, who can say when they’ll find it advantageous enough to them to make things better for parents. Probably sometime after the war with Russia.