Member-only story
I Don’t Need to Be a Parent to …
…for example…
…want all clothes to come out clean
…like a quick-to-cook cuisine
…want a good, strong paper towel
…need a fix for odors foul
…go to college late in life
…be a loved and loving wife
…want some pants to fit my belly
…want preservative-free jelly
…desire no pesticides on fruit
…be horrified by threat of nukes
…understand why rape is bad
…(one doesn’t have to be a dad)
…want the yummy medicine
…hope the kinder forces win
…want to get out all the stains
…sympathize with others’ pain
…want a cure for child abuse
…want less sugar in my juice
…worry for the youth to come
…think driving drunk is super dumb
…be a real, true family
…leave a lasting “legacy”
…(one like Shakespeare’s — yes, a father,
…but in school they never bothered
…to teach us his family tree;
…he could have no kids, like me!)
…have traditions every year
…think the climate’s cause for fear
…have more bedrooms than just one
…need vacations in the sun
…enjoy Disney (yes, sans tots!)
…know deep love or want safe pot
…think about mortality
…live perfectly happily.