I'm interested to look into this. All I know is what I've seen on TV (including in one movie I thought was just terrible), and it seems to be portrayed as some kind of stunted emotional growth caused by childhood abuse or other issues. (Whereas with males it's "boys gonna boy".)
About the workshop, military, fraternities, and other primarily male organizations should definitely be required to attend. "The University of Michigan reports that according to studies conducted in 2000 and 2001, teaching men to be dominant and aggressive often leads to their development of hyper-masculinity, male peer support for sexual aggression, and adversarial sexual beliefs.
"Earlier studies conducted from 1974 to 1997, the university reports, show additional factors contributing to sexual violence include sex-role socialization, rape myths, lack of sanction for abuse, male peer support groups, and all-male membership groups such as fraternities and sports teams."
Less training in "OORAH" and more in "Hey, dude, what the fuck do you think you're doing to that girl?" would be fabulous.