Six Things the Childfree Might Not Tell You

Kristen Tsetsi
5 min readSep 6, 2021
Image by Tayeb MEZAHDIA from Pixabay

There’s been list after list (after list) compiled about the childfree. What not to tell us, things we hate, untruths about us, silly things people say to us, and truths about us.

All great lists, but there’s room for one more.

6 things the childfree might not tell you

We may not tell you these things because they could either create conflict or ruin our image as STAUNCHLY CHILDFREE FOREVER!!!11!

1. Sometimes we’re lying when we preface “I don’t want kids” with “I love kids! But…”

This is because we know what’s expected, especially as women. We’re supposed to love kids.

But being a uterus bearer does not require us to love, like, want to be around, want to mentor, want to care for, or want to somehow find a way to spend time with children.

Nor does enjoying the company of children automatically mean we should be parents.

We as people have many loves, but we don’t necessarily want to make those loves the focus of our lives.

We can enjoy children without wanting to raise one, we can so-so enjoy them as much as we may or may not enjoy people of any other age, or we can not enjoy children…



Kristen Tsetsi

Author of the post-Roe v. Wade novel THE AGE OF THE CHILD. “A voice & perspective we rarely see in literature. Total page-turner." - Amazon Review