That we’re capable of procreating doesn’t make it our reason or purpose for being. We’ve evolved into (somewhat) rational beings who can think before we act, who can envision possible futures, who can want or not want.
It may be that kids used to be counted on to care for their parents, but that might have been when kids were created because parents needed help with labor, and not necessarily because they wanted to experience the joy of getting to know and love unique human beings.
(One of the problems with unique human beings is that they can’t be counted on to be caregivers to those who decided they wanted kids. They may feel they don’t owe their parents something, as having kids was the parents’ choice — and having kids means volunteering to raise them. No favors are being done, there. But I can imagine how bad it must feel when one’s children aren’t there during a hard health time, whatever their reasons for it.)