Why didn’t “Grace” respect Aziz Ansari’s verbal and physical cues?

Kristen Tsetsi
10 min readJan 15, 2018

Let me begin by saying that I understand why some women might be inclined to immediately mistrust, even fear, some men.

I’m not unfamiliar with what it’s like to have uncomfortable sex- or gender-related encounters with people considered more powerful, whether due to their age or their superior physical strength relative to mine. From a creepy 7th grade teacher to several flashed penises to two unforgettable encounters with an ex-husband, I’ve been there. I understand weird power dynamics, and I understand women can…



Kristen Tsetsi

Author of the post-Roe v. Wade novel THE AGE OF THE CHILD. “A voice & perspective we rarely see in literature. Total page-turner." - Amazon Review