You have to admit that just as many men complain that they "just don't understand women! So mysterious, so confusing... Mars and Venus, right?"
We're all just people. Not so different. Unless we're raised as stereotypes, which means we're being taught to conform to whatever our society says we must be. Men as head of household; woman as his "helper." Things like that.
You say most MEN want to feel needed in the sense that they feel their partner sees their contributions as necessary for the relationship to be successful. That's not unique to men. The way you're talking about need right there applies to anyone in a relationship. Obviously, both have to contribute their energy and effort to a relationship for it to work. One can't be the sole compromiser; one can't be the sole source of thoughtfulness. It's just common sense that the contributions of both are needed for the relationship to succeed (as well as some genuine love and respect - let's not forget those key elements).
I'm not sure where you're seeing women saying men are worthless and no good, but people everywhere say things. That's not what was said here - I would find the specific women saying those things and respond to them wherever they are.